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  • Z. Wang, N. Zhong, X. Lin. A Novel Transformer-based Two Stage Framework for Multi-Label Image Classification. IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Graphs (ICKG), 2024.

2023 and Before

  • S. Zhang, W. Ren, X. Tan, Z. Wang. Y. Liu, J. Zhang, X. Cao. Semantic-Aware Dehazing Network with Adaptive Feature Fusion. IEEE Transactions on Cybnetics (TCYB), 2023, 53(1): 454-467. 【CCF B】

  • X. Lin, Z. Quan, Z. Wang, Y. Guo, X. Zeng, P. S. Yu. Effectively Identifying Compound-Protein Interaction using Graph Neural Representation. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB),2023,20(2):932-943. 【CCF B】

  • T. Xiao, Z. Quan, Z. Wang, Y. Le, Y. Du, X. Liao, K. Li, K. Li. Loader: A Log Anomaly Detector Based on Transformer. IEEE Transactions on Serverce Computing (TSC). 16(5): 3479-3492 (2023). 【CCF A】

  • X. Lin, D. Xu, P. Tan, L. Ma, Z. Wang. Image deraining based on dual-channel component decomposition. Computer & Graphics (C&G). 116: 93-101 (2023)【CCF C】

  • Z. Wang, M. Nie, K. Zhao, Z. Quan, B. Yao. Cover Trees Revisited: Exploiting Unused Distance and Direction Information. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) 35(11): 11231-11245 (2023). 【CCF A】

  • T. Xiao, Z. Quan, Z. Wang, K. Zhao, X. Liao, H. Huang, Y. Du, K. Li. LPV: A Log Parsing Framework Based on Vectorization. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM). 20(3): 2711-2725 (2023). 【CCF C】

  • X. Lin, Z. Wang, R. Li, M. Fang, L. Ma. Salient Object Detection Based on Multiscale Segmentation and Fuzzy Broad Learning. The Computer Journal (COMPJ), 2022,65(4):1006-1019.【CCF B】

  • Z. Chen, B. Yao, Z. Wang, X. Gao, S. Shang, S. Ma, M. Guo. Flexible Aggregate Nearest Neighbor Queries and its Keyword-Aware Variant on Road Networks. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2021, 33(12),1-14.【CCF A】

  • X. Lin, L. Ma, B. Sheng, Z. Wang, W. Chen. Utilizing Two-Phase Processing With FBLS for Single Image Deraining. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM). 2021, 23: 664-676. 【CCF B】

  • Z. Wang, Z. Quan, Z. Wang, X. Hu, Y. Chen. Text To Image Synthesis with Bidirectional Generative Adversarial Network. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME),oral, 2020, London, United Kingdom.【CCF B】

  • J. Yin, C. Gan, K. Zhao, X. Lin, Z. Quan, Z. Wang. A Novel Model for Imbalanced Data Classification. The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2020, New York, USA. 【CCF A】

  • X. Lin, Z. Quan, Z. Wang, H. Huang, X. Zeng. A Novel Molecular Representation with BiGRU Neural Networks for Learning Atoms. Breifings in Bioinformaitics (BIB), 2020, 21(6): 2099-2111. 【CCF B】

  • T. Xiao, Z. Wang, Z. Quan, K. Zhao, X. Liao. LPV: A Log Parser Based on Vectorization for Offline and Online Log Parsing. The 20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2020, Sorrento, Italy. 【CCF B】

  • X. Lin, Z. Wang, Z. Quan, T. Jiang, X. Zeng. KGNN: Knowledge Graph Neural Network for Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction. The 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2020. 【CCF A】

  • Z. Quan, Z. Wang, T. Ye, S. Guo. Task Scheduling for Energy Consumption Constrained Parallel Applications on Heterogeneous Computing Systems.IEEE Transactions on Parrallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2020, 31(5): 1165-1182. 【CCF A】

  • H. Liu, L. Yang, J. Ding, Y. Guo, X. Xie, Z. Wang. Scalable Tensor-Train-Based Tensor Computations for Cyber-Physical-Social Big Data. IEEE Transactions on Computational and Social Systems (TCSS), 2020, 7(4): 873-885. 【CCF C】

  • Z. Chen, B. Yao, Z. Wang, W. Zhang, K. Zheng, P. Kalnis, F. Tang. ITISS: An Efficient Framework for Querying Big Temporal Data. Geoinformatica, 2020, 24 (1): 27-59. 【CCF B】

  • X. Lin, K. Zhao, T. Xiao, Z. Quan, Z. Wang, P. S. Yu. DeepGS: Deep Representation Learning of Graphs and Sequences for Drug-Target Prediction. The 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2020. 【CCF B】

  • T. Ye, Z. Wang, Z. Quan, S. Guo, K. Li, K. Li. ISAECC:An Improved Scheduling Approach for Energy Consumption Constrained Parallel Applications on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems. The 24th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), 2018, Singapore.【CCF C】

  • Z. Wang, L. Ma, X. Lin, X. Wu. MSGC: A New Bottom-Up Model for Salient Object Detection. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), oral, 2018, San Diego, California, USA.【CCF B】

  • B. Yao, W. Zhang, Z. Wang, Z. Chen, S. Shang, K. Zheng, M. Guo. Distributed In-memory Analytics for Big Temporal Data. The 23rd International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA),2018,Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.【CCF B】

  • Z. Wang, L. Ma, X. Lin, H. Zhong. Saliency Detection via Multi-Center Convex Hull Prior. The 43rd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2018, Calgary, Canada.【CCF B】

  • Z. Quan, X. Lin, Z. Wang, Yan Liu, F. Wang, K. Li. A System for Learning Atoms Based on Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM), 2018, Madrid, Spain. 【CCF B】

  • J. Zhang, Z. Wang, K. Wang, S. Guo, B. Wang, M. Guo. Improving Power Efficiency for Online Video Streaming Service: A Self-Adaptive Approach. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (TSUSC), short, 2019, 4(3): 308-313. 【CCF C】

  • M. Zeng, B. Yao, Z. Wang, Y. Shen, F. Li, J. Zhang, H. Lin, M. Guo. CATIR: An Efficient Method for Content-and-Text Based Image Retrieval. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 2019, 34(2): 287-304.【CCF B】

  • H. Hu, S. Qian, J. Cao, J. Yu, G. Xue, Y. Zhu, M. Li, Z. Wang. Optimizing The Waiting Time of Sensors in A MANET to Strike A Balance between Energy Consumption and Data Timeliness. The 25th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), 2019, Tianjin, China.【CCF C】

  • Z. Quan, Y. Guo, X. Lin, Z. Wang, X. Zeng. GraphCPI: Graph Neural Representation Learning for Compound-Protein Interaction. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM), 2019, San Diego, California, USA.【CCF B】

  • J. Zhang, Z. Wang, S. Guo, D. Yang, G. Fang, C. Peng, M. Guo. Energy Consumption Analysis of Video Streaming in 4G LTE Networks. Wireless Networks (WINE),2018, 24(8): 3083-3098. 【CCF C】

  • L. Kang, Z. Wang, Z. Quan, W. Wu, S. Guo, K. Li, K. Li. An Efficient Method for Optimizing The PETSc on Sunway TaihuLight System.  IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC), 2018, Guangzhou, China. 【CCF C】

  • W. Liu, Z. Wang, B. Yao, M. Nie, J. Wang, R. Mao and J. Yin. Geographical Relevance Model for Long Tail Point-of-Interest Recommendation. The 23rd International Conferfence on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 2018, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. 【CCF B】

  • J. Zhang, Z. Wang, Z. Quan, J. Yin, Y. Chen, M. Guo. Optimizing Power Consumption of Mobile Devices for Video Streaming over 4G LTE Networks.  Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (PPNA), 2018, 11(5): 1101-1114.【CCF C】

  • C. Gan, B. Wang, Z. Wang, H. Liu, D. Yang, J. Yin, S. Qian, S. Guo. A Solution for High Availability Memory Access. The 19th Interenational Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP), 2019, Melbourne, Australia. 【CCF C】

  • M. Nie, Z. Wang, J. Yin, B. Yao. Reachable Region Query and Its Applications. Information Sciences (INS), 2019, 476:95-105.【CCF B】

  • X. Lin, Z. Wang, X. Tan, M. Fang, L. Ma, N. Xiong. MCCH: A Novel Convex Hull-Based Prior Method for Saliency Detection. Information Sciences (INS), 2019, 485: 521-539.【CCF B】

  • D. Yang, J. Guo, Z. Wang, Y. Wang, J. Zhang, L. Hu, J. Yin, J. Cao. FastPM: An Approach to Pattern Matching via Distributed Stream Processing. Information Sciences (INS), 2018, 453: 263-280.【CCF B】

  • Z. Wang, X. Lin, M. Fang, B. Yao, Y. Peng, H. Guan, M. Guo. RE2L: An Efficient Output-sensitive Algorithm for Computing Boolean Operations on Circular-arc Polygons and Its Applications. Computer-Aided Design (CAD), 2017, 83(2):1-14.【CCF B】

  • Z. Wang, B. Yao, R. Cheng, X. Gao, L. Zou, H. Guan, M. Guo. SMe: Explicit & Implicit Constrained-Space Probabilistic Threshold Range Queries for Moving Objects. Geoinformatica, 2016, 20(1): 19-58. 【CCF B】

  • Z. Quan, Z. Wang, Y. Le, B. Yao, K. Li, J. Yin. An Efficient Framework for Sentence Similarity Modeling. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (TASLP), 2019, 27(4):853-865. 【CCF B】

  • X. Lin, Z. Wang, L. Ma, X. Wu. Saliency Detection via Multi-Scale Global Cues. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2019, 21(7): 1646-1659.【CCF B】

  • M. Nie, Z. Wang, C. Gan, Z, Quan, B. Yao, J. Yin. An Improved Hierarchical Datastructure for Nearest Neighbor Search. The 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2019, poster, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.【CCF A】

  • W. Liu, Z. Wang, B. Yao, J. Yin. Geo-ALM: POI Recommendation by Fusing Geographical Information and Adversarial Learning Mechanism. The 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2019, Macao, China.【CCF A】

  • Y. Le, Z. Wang, Z. Quan, J. He, B. Yao. ACV-tree: A New Method for Sentence Similarity Modeling. The 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.【CCF A】

  • Y. Xu, B. Yao, Z. Wang, X. Gao, J. Xie, M. Guo. Skia: Scalable and Efficient In-Memory Analytics for Big Spatial-Textual Data. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2020, 32(12): 2467-2480. 【CCF A】

  • Z. Wang, D. Wang, B. Yao, M. Guo. Probabilistic Range Query over Uncertain Moving Objects in Constrained Two-dimensional Space. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2015, 27(3), 866-879.【CCF A】

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