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Copyright Note: Some documents (e.g., papers, datasets) from this page are copyrighted to the respective publishing companies or organizations that publish these materials, including IEEE Computer Society, Elsevier, Springer, Oxford Academic, ACM, and so on. Use of the copies obtained here are for academic and educational purposes only.

Books and Survey Papers

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Real Life Applications [Book].
Artifical Intelligence: A Modern Approach [Book].
Data Mining: Concept and Techniques [Book]. 
Mining of Massive Data [Book]. 
Data Ming: The textbook [Book].
Deep Learning [Book].
A Survey on Ensemble Learning for Data Stream Classification [see details].
Data Classification [Book Chapter].
Recommendation Systems [Book Chapter].  
Neural Networks for Classification: A Survey [see details].
Outlier Detection for Temporal Data: A Survey [see details].
Towards the Next Generation of Recommender Systems: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art and Possible Extensions [link].
A Comprehensive Survey of Neighborhood-Based Recommendation Methods [link].


UCI: A well-known dataset. 
kdnuggets datasets: Datasets for Data Mining, Data Science, and Machine Learning.  
UCR: Time series dataset.  

Software and Codes

kdnuggets software: Software for Analytics, Data Science, Data Mining, and Machine Learning. 
Codes for book "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" [click here].
Paperswithcode: A site for uploading papers together codes.   
PPT Template for Group Meeting [click here].
Keras: A deep learning API written in Python, running on top of the machine learning platform TensorFlow.

Contact Email:  aidingLab@yeah.net        Copyright©AIDING