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• AIDING Lab is affiliated with the College of Computer Science, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
• The research in AIDING Lab mainly involves Artificial Intelligence & Data minING. 
• Recruitment (long-term): Welcome the 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate students to join our laboratory. Self-motivated and hardworking students are always preferred. If you are interested, please send your Curriculum Vitae (CV) to our Email.


• 2024-9-23: one paper "A Novel Transformer-based Two Stage Framework for Multi-Label Image Classification" has been accepted by ICKG.
• 2023-8-6: one paper "Image Deraining Based on Dual-Channel Component Decomposition" has been accepted by C&G.
• 2023-6-8: one paper "Loader: A Log Anomaly Detector Based on Transformer" has been accepted by TSC.
• 2023-02-14: one paper "Scalable LPV: A Log Parsing Framework Based on Vectorization" has been accepted by TNSM.
• 2022-12-08: one paper "Cover Tree Revisited: Exploiting Unused Distance and Direction Information" has been accepted by TKDE.
• 2022-8-9: one paper "Effectively Identifying Compound-Protein Interaction using Graph Neural Representation" has been accepted by TCBB.
• 2022-4-7: one paper "Salient Object Detection Based on Multiscale Segmentation and Fuzzy Broad Learning" has been accepted by The Computer Journal.
• 2021-12-25: one paper "Semantic-Aware Dehazing Network with Adaptive Feature Fusion" has been accepted by TCYB.
• 2021-05-08: one paper "Utilizing Two-Phase Processing With FBLS for Single Image Deraining" has been accepted by TMM.
• 2021-01-05: one paper "Flexible Aggregate Nearest Neighbor Queries and its Keyword-Aware Variant on Road Networks" has been accepted by TKDE.
• 2020-06-12: one paper "LPV: A Log Parser Based on Vectorization for Offline and Online Log Parsing" has been accepted by ICDM.
• 2020-05-07: one paper "DeepGS: Deep Representation Learning of Graphs and Sequences for Drug-Target Binding Affinity Prediction" has been accepted by ECAI.
• 2020-04-13: one paper "KGNN: Knowledge Graph Neural Network for Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction" has been accepted by IJCAI.
• 2020-03-18: one paper "Text to Image Synthesis With Bidirectional Generative Adversarial Network" has been accepted by ICME.

Contact Email:  aidingLab@yeah.net        Copyright©AIDING